InteriArt is protected trademark and brand name.

The structure and content of Szintetika Kft’s websites are copyrighted. The use and copy of texts, pictures and other shown information are only allowed with the permission of Szintetika Kft.

Date of website creating: Oktober 1, 2017.

The owner of website: Szintetika Kft.

H-9023 Győr, Mészáros L. u. 5.

Registration number: 08-09-002364

InteriArt® fabriculous inspirations

Beat Celebrity Color on Canvas Daydream Desert Wonders Future Garden of Eden Gelato Gentle Hightech Imperial Innovation Land of Ice and Fire Minimalism Mystic Nature Rhythm Romance Rusztik Seaside Silk Special Weaves Summer Blossom Symbol Tuscan Summer Urban moods

InteriArt® technological inspirations

Empire 25mm Hellas 19mm Decolino Elegante Motivo